I am happy today as I am back early to spend time with the kids. I watched them played their imaginary game with each other and sharing new ideas to enhance their imaginary land. It is always great to hear their laughter and talking in their strange cartoon slangs...
I agreed with my wife that this happiness from the kids would not be possible if we only had one kid. Someone advised us before our marriage that 1 kid would be very lonely. We did not understand at that point but decided to have 2 kids to balance their stress of taking care of their parent. Our decision of more than one has certainly proven a lot of joy for us and I especially enjoyed my youngest son, Jerry's, companion. He is always charged up with so much energy and making funny movement to get the family laughing.
Today is a great day on the whole. I look forward to some of tomorrow meetings and coming back to teach the kids on their Science. Their school text book for Science is emphasizing too much on experiential learning. There is lack of content and parent or tutor would need to provide the additional information to their kids. I am glad to be able to spend time with my kids on Science. I really wonder how other kids' parent cope in coaching Primary School Science.
If there are tips in coaching Science, I am happy to receive some comments for this post.
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